Matebeleland South mining field day on cards

Young miners from Matebeleland province will converge on a field day

By Branton Matondo

Feb 23, 2024

Young Miner's from Matabeleland province and other parts of the nation will converge at Atlas 17 Gold Mine, 8 kilometres from Esgodini in a bid to address issues of mining formalization, professionalism and capacity building .

The field day, slated for the 1st of March 2024 is set to run under the theme "ESG Productivity, Unearthing a New Mining Era".

In an interview with Today News, Young Miner's Association Chief Executive Officer Payne Farai Kupfuwa confirmed the development. The young miner's field day is premised on educating and inspiring young people to set up more formalized mining enterprises. Formalization is achieved by regularizing mining operations through the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development," he said. The event will be graced by Matabeland South Resident Minister Hon. Evelyne Ndlovu, Provincial Mining Director, EMA, NASSA and mining equipment suppliers with the mining foil.

Companies in the mining value chain are scheduled to come and exhibit their products and services. Mining field days have so far become the gist of progressive and strategic engagements.

The mining celebrations on the 1st of March will also celebrate YMF 14th anniversary. They have helped in upgrading and upscaling projects, a feat that has assisted in employment creation.

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